Apr 7, 2009

How To Change The Icon of Pendrive

1.Create your icon, or find one online. A good size is 34 pixels square.
2.Open Notepad to create your Autorun file.
3.Type [AutoRun] in the first line.
4.Name your drive in the second line: label=Name
5.Specify your icon in the third line: ICON=your-icon-file.ico. If you wanted to call your drive "My USB Drive" with an icon named "myusbdrive.ico", your code would look like this:
label=My USB Drive
6.Click File, then Save As. Change the file type to "All" and name it AUTORUN.inf
7.Ensure that both your AUTORUN.inf and .ico files are in the ROOT of your removable drive, instead of a folder.
