Mar 5, 2011

Monitor Screen black white light line blinking Solution

If your video card is actually bad it will fail the POST check by BIOS (Power Up Self Test) and respond with a series of beeps sent through the PC speaker.

If it's just black then BIOS is reading VGA out through the motherboard, and something else is the problem (even BIOS itself, which usually fails if there is a ground fault or component failure)

If you still have no luck, start removing devices from the system until you get a response. Remove peripherals one by one, and power cycle it each time, in this order:

USB devices except keyboard
NICs and modems
Sound cards
Other IDE/PCI cards
IDE drives
SCSI drives
Video card

At some point you should at least get a POST fault in the form of a beep. If you don't, the board is dead.
